But nevertheless, today was an awesome day ♥

Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

It's been a long time since I last saw this video.
I cried when the war scenes came in..
Why is it that people have to kill each other? Why must it be either a 'you live or I live' situation? Thank goodness the Iraq war has ended.

Can we have world peace please?

Enjoying the happiness from deep down.
Yesterday was a really happy day! :D

#1 School went by fine, even Mr Guru was in a good mood!

#2 I wasn't late for school.

#3 "Did homework" with Daniel and Chin chye at the third level beside the audi. The view was really good! And it's really quiet! Shall go there more often from now on :D Blasting music together is awesome.

#4 I finished two econs essays in the end. Though it was overdue homework, I was still quite proud of myself for finishing them!

#5 Met Maryam after school and we talked! ♥ I know you're just as stressed as you were last time, but at least I see you smiling nowadays ♥ That's good!!

#6 Saw BSG! Someone I haven't seen for a long time ♥

#7 I developed the photos from the latest roll of film that I finished using. THEY'RE AWESOME TO THE MAX ♥♥ The effects are so damn good! The person who developed the photos probably didn't know that the photos are supposed to be four in one, so in one photo, there are two different scenes and there are some repeats too. But it's cool the way it is! ♥

#8 I transfered the money and will probably be getting my camera cases + stamps + coloured ink pads through mail on Tuesday!! Feel quite proud of myself for figuring out how to go about doing the transfer by myself though! HEH.

Something Beautiful

In your ocean I'm ankle deep
I feel the waves crashing on my feet
It's like I know where I need to be
I can't figure out
No, I can't figure out
Just how much air I will need to breathe
When your wave crashes over me
There's only one way to figure out
Will you let me drown
Will you let me drown

Hey now, this is my desire
Consume me like a fire
Cause I just want
Something beautiful to touch me
I know that I'm in reach
I am down on my knees
And waiting for
Something beautiful

And the water is rising quick
And for years I was scared of it
We can't be sure when it will subside
So I won't leave your side
No I can't leave your side

Hey now, this is my desire
Consume me like a fire
Cause I just want
Something beautiful to touch me
I know that I'm in reach
I am down on my knees
And waiting for
Something beautiful

My thumb
Went for another appointment today hmm.


At first the nurse came to look for me to ask if I'd taken my x-ray. I thought she was calling me to follow her to the doctor. So I followed and TOTALLY JUST BARGED IN. In a way la hahah. Like the doctor and the HAMG were discussing stuff over the table. I think they were really shocked when I walked in -_- Oh gosh. I was.. Idk what I actually did, but I think I was totally stoned for a while. Shocked. And then suddenly when I recovered, I was absolutely embarrassed ttm. Felt like I was really rude for barging in, and not even knocking :/ SIGH. I think I got 电到 by the HAMG eh! And then when I went in after a short wait, HE WAS SITTING THERE ♥ Hahah directly in front of me omg ♥ I think his knees were just 10cm away? That's how near we were sitting! But I didn't dare ogle at him much cause it'd be awkward/embarrassing/weird/obvious. So all I could do was look at the doctor who sort of treated me like a kid -_- He totally repeated his super simple instructions to me three times or something. Haiyo! I got it the first time okay! I think the HAMG was scrutinising me though.. Bet he was like thinking "Oh gosh, this weird girl. She looks quite weird too.. Hmm." Oh well hahah! But at least when I was done, HE SMILED AND SAID BYE TO ME ♥♥♥ He's probably on some sort of a work attachment? (HOPING I'LL SEE HIM THE NEXT APPOINTMENT ): )


I GOT MY X:VERSION IN PINK!!!!! DAMN HAPPY/EXCITED. But I've got to find/buy a MicroSD 2GB card D: Idk where to get it omg and I hope it wouldn't be too ex.


Dropped my phone and card holder while sleeping on the bus. Embarrassing much omg. Everyone turned and looked at me ):

My cute little brother ♥
LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Had afternoon pe - CHACHACHA!
Hahah omg thank goodness I was still on mc..
At first I was in my uniform, but Ms C asked me if I could do me, and made me change.
Had a funny little episode on the way to nexus. Saw Valerie coming down the stairs beside nexus, she totally slipped hahah and I think she got a bad shock when she saw me. HAHAH.
Anyway! By the time I got back to the mph after changing, everyone was paired already. Ms C dragged me all the way across the mph cause there was a guy who didn't have a partner at first I think. But it turns out that he had already found one. Then while walking all the way back across the mph, Ms T came up to me and was like, "Hahah no one wants you uh?". EMBARRASSING -_-
In the end I didn't dance (YES! WHOO!)
Sat with Nicole at the bench and got a bit bored, so we tried joining in, but gave up after a while cause WE COULDN'T DANCE FOR SHIT. Hah ultimate fail.
It was quite fun watching everyone dance though! :D

Yup, nothing much today that's about all!

I think this morning I dreamt of playing the piano.
I could actually seemingly feel the texture of the keys, black and white.
But when I flipped open the scores, and positioned my fingers over the keys,
I realised that I couldn't use my thumb.
It was so weak, it hurt when I tried pressing it down.

I'm scared and worried.
What if I can't use my thumb properly anymore?
Even after it fully recovers?

I want to play the piano again.
I want to take photographs.
I want to play hockey.
I want to do all the thousands of things that I've always wanted to do.
I wish I can get my education years and done with so I'll have more free time on hand..
But I guess that wouldn't really be very possible sigh idk man.
I'm feeling quite sick and tired of everything in my life right now.
Especially promos, that I'm dreading like shit.
In Nicole's words, it'll probably be 'terrified'.

Anyway! On a lighter note, it's Nicole BEEP Tan's birthday today!
She wouldn't see this, but nevertheless, HAPPY SEVENTEENTH BIRTHDAY BEEP!! I LOVE YOU! (Your fav pink hahah)

Guilt from cruelty
I don't know what I'm doing with my life.

Everyday I'm just obsessing over cameras, living in my own world, wasting time on non-constructive stuff (ie. not studying)

And I do foolish senseless things that I feel like slapping myself afterwards it sucks.
I get so frustrated with myself each time I do it.

But I swear I'm obsessedshit over cameras.
I wish I could stop all that I'm doing in my life right now and run away any camera that I wish for.

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming

SC makes me feel like I'm normal again ♥

Okay, today was damn embarrassing, I swear!
Omgggg seriously?
Just kill me already manzzz T_T
First was the stupid 'YingQuan say hi' incident.
Then was the 'Say hi to the wrong twin' incident.
Can't believe I totally went like, "Eh?! Hi!!!" At Xifan's TWIN.
Oh gosh!!
And then her friends were just all like staring at me like I was some weirdo omg.
The other incident was even WORSE.
So bad that I shall not start on it already. SIAN.

Charlotte has the golden half camera omg ):