I still haven't submit my essay for peer critique yet.
And it was due LAST SUNDAY.
And peer critique is due TOMORROW!!!!
I'm screwed man.

"Mirrors" sound creepy, but it's the theme/titles of the poems I'm supposed to write on actually.

My goodness.
The then Sectwos have taken over..

I feel damn old.

We're ex-ex-ncos now..

And I'm damn shocked over the new hierarchy.
Omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!

Cut and run
I've been obsessed over that book these two days, ever since I borrowed it..
It's great!!
Love action-thriller bookssss!
I think Jeff Abbott is awesome omg his books are crazeeee! So action-packed omg hahah!
Cheesy, but yes, DAMN ACTION-PACKED.
I've been at it whenever I've time. I get stuck in the book for hours while giving myself the excuse that I need a break from revising omg.
It actually felt sinful -_-

I finished it just now..
While I was supposed to be mugging..
Man.. ):

I love Kyle Patrick's dimples they're so awesomely cute!!!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ !!!!
Hahah omgggg.
But I don't like him new hairstyle.. Hmm.


Goodness me my memory's seriously failing me.
I can't remember what I wanted to blog about, a mere 3mins ago!

No one likes me
Omg I think this sounds quite retarded, but I'm kind of saddened by how no one's liking my status ):
It says: If you like this status, I will post something I like about you on your wall! Set this as your status if you want a challenge :D
Only 12 people liked it ):

I'm like some loser omg this sucks and I'm damn sadded ):

Smart idiot
Oh smart.
I think I just landed myself with a sore throat cause of wang wang overdose -_-

The sad truth
I just read on someone's blog about losing hope over friendships.
Stuff, not specified what, happened and he realises that what you call friends may just be friends with you for their own benefits.
Get what they want and after getting it, you're just kicked aside and they move on.
He then goes on to tell himself to move on too and stop treating everyone as his real friends.

It's really the sad truth..
Everyone's going to believe that there's no such things as true friends.
Everyone will just hide in their shells and not reveal their true self easily.
People will put a wall up around themselves and not let anyone into their heart.

Then what will happen to friendship?
Isn't friendship supposed to be constructed on the basis of trust?
To trust each other, let down your guard and to give and love?
That'll be real sad.
Very very saddening.

Plus, it's just going to be a vicious cycle y'know..

My goodness, I think this is the third packet of wang wangs I'm eating..
Or was it the fourth..
At 5.42am?!
Just shoot me already.. T_T

And I'm quite scared.
What if my mum suddenly pops into the room o_o
I'll be soooo dead.

Those people who make people's day
Yesterday, no wait, not yesterday, aiya whichever day Thursday was la, I went out with Alyssa!
Had quite a bit of problems with mum as usual :/
But anyway, I got to her house in the end!
We ran a bit, swam, and went down to Clarke Quay!
Wanted to camwhore like crazy, but apparently the heavy rain the previous day/that morning (?) turned the river water brown..
Quite disgusting, so we didn't really camwhore.
Walked around a little, and in Liang Court too.
Wow that was the first time I went in..
Didn't know it's like so deserted -_-
Camwhored along the way back to the mrt station and it was late by the time I got home ):
Luckily I didn't get scolded though! :D

Oh btw the two angmoh gentlemen made my day!
Alyssa and I were just camwhoring along the river side, then this two angmohs carrying like bulky items just stopped by and offered to help us take a photo!
So nice of them omg :)
Then after we went off, Alyssa and I were like, "that's so not something Singaporean guys will ever do man!!!"
Hahahah so true omg.

Oh and I shall talk about that super sweet and pretty P6 girl @ the BPP library the day before too!
Omg first thing I noticed about her was that she's DAMN PRETTY.
She totally looks like Emma Watsons!!!!!!!
I couldn't tell what race she is though..
Looks a little Malay-ish, but also a little mixed..
Or maybe she's from like those Middle East countries.
(Omg my Geog sucks)
Pretty pretty pretty!!!
I think she could tell I kept staring at her omg.
Then right, I finished going though APGP and wanted to staple the answers together, but I realised that my staple ran out of staples.
She just reached into her pencil case and pulled out hers and offered it to me!!!!
Omg that really made my day too!!!
Pretty and with such a big heart too.
I was so tempted to make friends with her omg.
She seemed like such a nice and sweet person!! :)
And right, she totally didn't look P6 to me. Wow.
I seriously had no idea she's the SAME AGE AS JIAXIN just by looking at her man..
Wow wow wow.
And smart too!
(I think she's from RGPS - saw on her worksheets; but maybe it was just test papers that she was doing..)
Her handwriting was super nice and cursive too omg.

She's such a nice and sincere (Pardon my limited vocab -_-) person, I seriously hope it won't fade away as she grows up.
Like influences from the people she mixes with and all..
It kind of reminds me of myself.
I don't mean to say that I was ever pretty and super nice and all, but like comparatively, y'know.
Pretty, idk, don't think I ever was anywhere near pretty as she is, but nice, I think I can admit that I am/was quite a nice person..
(Oh man, why's this going back to the topic like three/two posts back??)
I think I've become meaner than last time.
I think it's the influence from the people around me.
Like, I'm becoming bitchier!
Which is REAL BAD ):
But then right, even if I do try not to be say mean stuff (which is like quite seldom la heh - REALLY) I'll still be having somewhat mean thoughts :/
That's bad!!!!
Ugh ):

There's no more wang wangs left I finished all the wang wangs already ):
But hahah nevermind, there's another type of wang wangs in my room!
I'M DAMN HUNGRY!!!!!! ):

I need to pee and wash my face, but I'm scared to step out of the room.. :/
It's 5.21am now!

My goodness!!!
It's.. 4.44am right now!
I don't feel like sleeping :/
I mean, I want to sleep, but if I do sleep, I'll oversleep ):
And I really don't want that omg ):
I want to be up bright and early tomorrow later in the morning and go start studying or something, since like I've been wasting so much time these few days ):

Boo, I wish I could go with Qianyi to Bras Basah to buy her notebook ):
I want to spend time with her!
Studying with her reminds me so much of the before O's period when we studied together so very often. Every weekend @ Bugis!
Damn fun, really really miss that period of time.


I want to swim
I wish I've got a swimming pool that I've easy access to ):
Alyssa complains about how her shoulders have gotten a little too broad since she started swimming and all.
So sadded ):
My shoulders are like so ugly omg.
And I've a hunched back that's damn ugly too.

Boo boo boo ):

I need to study
Wow that was a damn long post!

I realised that it sounded damn emo :/

Okay fine, I felt quite emo too while I was venting the angst and frustrations, typing out that post.

I need to study more..
Mhmmm. To be specific, I need to be more productive!!!
Like I spend the entire evening/night, just reading through the series and sequences notes.
I'm not even done yet!!!
Like only half way through??
This just shows how much concentration I was putting in -_-
I can't even remember much or what and how much I studied.
Smart move Yanbing, smart move!
And I think I couldn't do/didn't get those review questions right.
So dumb okay.

I can't seem to be able to do a single question omgggggg.
I feel stupid la my goodness.

Okay, nevermind!

Omg, okay, that was weird :s

Btw, I feel like eating something :/

I need to do some reflecting
Man, school's starting soon..
That sucks ):

Okay fine, I've mixed feelings about it.
Being in school makes me happier cause I don't feel like I'm purely wasting my life away and that I'm doing more constructive stuff.
But I don't want MYEs I'm not prepared. At all.
I don't like being in AJ either. I want my close SC friends.

Sigh ):

If only my mum isn't so restrictive..
I want to spend as much time as I can with all my close friends.
Even if it is to like have some 'overnight study camp' sort of thing hahah.
It'll still be damn fun!!!

I really really miss being around those people I'm damn comfortable with.
Those people I can really be myself with.

I never thought I'd feel this way, but I really didn't feel like I'm being myself sometimes while I'm with people from AJ.
Sometimes I even feel like I'm trying too hard.
So much for critisising those who try too hard to fit in.
I feel like I'm turning into a hypocrite.
Yes, I just realised that.
As in, I've had this bad feeling about the person I'm turning into, but not what it is exactly.
I don't want to be a hypocrite.
I want to be that sincere Yanbing I was.
I wish I could have used "am" instead of "was" at the end of that sentence..

Okay, maybe that was a little exaggerated.

Yes, okay, I'd like to believe that it's really exaggerated.
I may be turning into someone that's not the old Yanbing from like 2 or 3 years ago, but I'm still very much myself.

I haven't changed that much.

Sometimes I feel weird after certain conversations that I have with AJ people.
I look back at all the stuff that I said, all my reactions and the thoughts that I had..
I get a shock sometimes.

No I don't want it to be like that at all.

Maybe this is just part of growing up.

"If you spent your life concentrating on what everyone else though of you, would you forget who you really were?"
- Jodi Picoult (Nineteen Minutes)

But secretly, I really feel like it's very difficult to totally fit in sometimes.
Is it just the difference in the school cultures we were brought up in, the fact that we're older and we're more wary of one another, or just the people that I mix with?
I really don't know.
They're not the same as those close SC friends I had.
Okay, fine, maybe I'm just weird and I don't fit in easily with others.
Even in SC, I had some trouble fitting in. Other than the red crossers and like Alyssa, Gladys, I really don't know who else I feel entirely comfortable with.
Okay, maybe there're more.
Idk. But these are the people whom I'd like to believe are my true friends and I truely care for and love to bits. Those that I can totally be myself around.
I think it's just the problem with me.
I'm over sensitive sometimes.
I take things too seriously sometimes.

Idk what to say about my class, seriously.
It's not that they're not nice, or fun.
They're great the way they are..
But I just don't feel like I have a place there.
It's like, you may be gone but no one will realise after quite a while.
Walking from class to class, you may be walking all alone, but everyone else is happily talking to each other.
They seem to have endless topics to talk about with each other, but when it comes to me, it gets awkward and the conversations barely gets anywhere.
Okay fine, maybe the class' just clique-ish.
I really don't know.
Idk what to feel about this anymore.

It's 4.05am and here I am, reflecting on my character/personality.
Omg maybe it's just cause I'm weird that's why I've all these problems!

Written by Corrinne May Ying Foo
Copyright 1999, Corrmay Gourmet Music (ASCAP)

It's a long, long journey
Till I know where I'm supposed to be
It's a long, long journey
and I don't know if I can believe
When shadows fall and block my eyes
I am lost and know that I must hide
It's a long, long journey
Till I find my way home to you

Many days I've spent
Drifting on through empty shores
Wondering what's my purpose
Wondering how to make me strong
I know I will falter I know I will cry
I know you'll be standing by my side
It's a long, long journey
And I need to be close to you

Sometimes it seems no one understands
I don't even know why
I do the things I do
When pride builds me up till I can't see my soul
Will you break down these walls and pull me through?

'Cause it's a long, long journey
Till I feel that I am worth the price
You paid for me on calvary
Beneath those stormy skies
When Satan mocks and friends turn to foes
It feels like everything is out to make me lose control
It's a long, long journey
Till I find my way home to you


I miss some of my friends.

It's screwed
My goodness.
My biological clock is damn screwed.
This is badddddd.

Photograph each day
So we can live forever
I sit in the light to make the dark a little darker
And I dance to move only you
And I fight to kiss and make up
I scream for some silence
I laugh to laugh for once, not there so you notice I'm gone
And I breathe cause it's necessary and I sigh when I see the moon
I dream to make sleep less boring
Until there was you and I feel in the absence of heart
And I plug my eyes to cry.
I'm a hopeless romantic and kicking the habit but all hearts have darts

Sweet, red cherry blossom tree
That lives in both you and me
You marked your name but I can see
It's not on me
So I'm shamelessly gone
And made myself come undone
Heavy hangs my head when I'm unhearted

I wear this angels crown
To cover up my devil's frown
And upon my broken chest
Lay a struggle between loneliness
And things that are out of place
Like my head in outer space
And the carpet you walked on the ceiling that cries
Please don't walk away

Sweet, red cherry blossom tree
That lives in both you and me
You marked your name but I can see
It's not on me
So I'm shamelessly gone
And made myself come undone
Heavy hangs my head when I'm unhearted

Battle it out with all the breath in my lungs
Apologize for all that I've done.
You did a number on me
And a fantastic job in the scheme of all things
We never felt
When your hearts been breached and
Your guards been let down
You run and you spoiled me
Into the ground and your goodness forgives all the rest
We will

Sweet, red cherry blossom tree
That lives in both you and me
You marked your name but I can see
It's not on me
So I'm shamelessly gone
And made myself undone
Well heavy hangs my head when I'm unhearted

Sweet, red cherry blossom tree
That lives in both you and me
You marked your name but I can see
It's not on me
So I'm shamelessly gone
And made myself undone
Well heavy hangs my head when I'm unhearted

Whoa sweet
The cherry blossom tree lives in you and me

I love Automatic Loveletter

Quad cam
Oh shit I want to buy my quad cam today!!!
The stock's like finally here and I'm at Kovan too, which is damn near to Serangoon, where I can meet the owner, but..
NO $$


Omg our PW meeting is damn screwed up.
None of us are doing PW stuff :/
Listening to music, watching movies and videos, facebooking, etc etc.

What the shit man.

Remembering before o's
Studying at Bugis library/Macs went well!
Not that productive, but still :)
Today was an awesome day.

Love you, Qianyi!!!

Neck ache
Oh damn. I really need to get over stuff manzzzzz.

Bzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

My neck is aching from looking up at the scores in my laptop that I put on top of the piano.
I think I was sitting in that position for at least 2 hours?!
I feel accomplished today! :D
Cause I played damn a lot of songs hee.
But all those useless for fun ones boo -_-
Oh well! I had fun :3

But my neck is still aching ):

My whoo!
Wah lao, like my dream guy sia.

Hot, smart, cute, black specs, awesome smile, not too skinny, etc etc.


Omg have connection some more! ;)
Ex-classmate's friend!
Wow :D

I wish I knew how tall he is hmm.

So much for striving to start sleeping early every night.
It's like 4.22am right now.

I'm like stalking people on FB right now omg even I myself think I'm being creepy here shitz this is so bad.
Boo I found an eye candy!!!!!
Cross-school-eye-candy ftw!!!!!
Damn cute heh heh.
Oh wow, he's in council hee.
He wears my fav. black specs YAY :D

I don't think I'll sleep tonight.
I'll probably just end up oversleeping omg :s
Got to be at school at 10.30am for Math make-up lecture!
Idk what to bring hmm.

Oh yeah, Idk whether there's the hockey gathering too -_-
Lame la, so last minute omg.
I bet it's canceled..
I'm hoping there's either hockey or class outing wheeeeee~

Wow I just signed into MSN and there's practically no one online hahah oops that was like a "duh, obviously" moment.

(Omg my mum suddenly pop into my room..)

But I don't want to sleep! ):




Idk what to do after getting off the com omg.


No one every comes to my blog ):

Looking at the photos that Jacqueline posted up for SCRCY brought a wave of emotions. It's like my memories of the times in RC is already blurred. I don't even remember myself as the one from RC anymore.. The one from SCRCY.
I'm moving on already.
I still remember the period before we stepped down, I was damn upset and worried how it'd be like without RC and SCRCY in my life..
But now that it's been almost/about one year since that time, I'm like, WOW. I barely even thought much about it my goodness.

Hmm SCRCY just got to the tenth year of receiving EUA GOLD AWARD.
This is damn awesome!!
I'm super super proud of SCRCY omg.

Yes, and I hate to admit it, but I'm secretly damn jealous of what the batch after ours have achieved..

I could really use a wish right now
Man, I wish I went for AB camp ):
Everyone's going on about how awesome it is, and I can just imagine how great it was too..

Hmm I just got reminded of ULP.
I guess it's similar to AB camp?
Hahah mannnnn. I can't even remember most of ULP already, but I do know that the memories were good ones.

Okay, back to the topic on AB camp.
What the shit!!!!!!!!!!!
If only I went man omg ):
I could have made friends with some of them man omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or at least make new friends la omg.
Aj is like such a boring place already and my friends are like limited to OG, hockey and class boo.
Okay fine, that's not THAT limited. But still! ):

I'M DAMN SAD NOW ): ): ):
BOO ): ): ):

Can we wind time back to like when everyone was submitting their forms for AB camp ):

To: Non-existence-social-life
Dear non-existence-social-life,

I am extremely bored these few days.
I'm always stuck at home wasting my time.
I need to go outttttt.
I need to exercise too ):
I've been eating A LOT especially wang wangs omg this sucks.
I'd better start exercising soon. I'm wayyyy too lazy this is bad.
If not by the time school starts I'll be like some round thing boo.

Hmm. But on a brighter note.. WOW MY NEW EYE CANDY IS CUTE MANZXZXZ!!!! ;)
Aww, I shall dump my previous crush and obsess over my new cutie from now on YAY :>